Read Around The World: Gemma

Every year I participate in Multicultural Kid Blogs' Read Around The World Summer Series, to share about books that I and my son were read, and also to get information about interesting books. What I like about this series is because the recommended books are children's books that describe life in various cultures in the world.
summer reading gemma daniel errico
This year I recommend: Gemma by Daniel Errico.
This book can be read online for free at 
This book tells the story of Gemma's adventures as a young girl until her teenage years. Baby Gemma had been taken by her parents to expedite through the mountains, the vast seas, and the deserts, and then she was raised in a rain forest, this is what made Gemma become a brave girl.
We love the story that fulls of adventures and surprises, especially with the jaguar who has a bell on his tail. Although this book has no illustrations except on the front cover, the interesting and not boring storyline made us read it without stopping. We can imagine Gemma's courage and the environment that she faces because we also live in the rain forest area, but honestly, I don't have the courage like Gemma.
Gemma is my recommendation, to see the complete book list, click here.

Read around the world