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Orange Chocolate Pudding With Pineapple Filling

Some fantabulous bloggers have gone together to do a Fantabulous Fall Favorites Linky Party!
fantabulous fall linky party 2016

This pudding is so yummy, soft, chewy, and fruity. It tastes chocolate, mix with orange and pineapple! I love it so much…. This pudding will be good to enjoy on fall when we can get a lot of fruits in the market. I made the recipe by myself … *wink-wink*
So you want to try to make it? Let’s go…. And if you have something to ask about the recipe, don’t hesitate to ask me, because I made it myself so I kind of the expert to answer your question…. lol!
This pudding is so yummy, soft, chewy, and fruity. It tastes chocolate, mix with orange and pineapple! I love it so much…. This pudding will be good to enjoy on fall when we can get a lot of fruits in the market. I made the recipe by myself … *wink-wink* So you want to try to make it? Let’s go…. And if you have something to ask about the recipe, don’t hesitate to ask me, because I made it myself so I kind of the expert to answer your question
7 gr agar powder
20 gr jelly powder, orange flavored
225 gr sugar
½ teaspoon salt
1200 ml milk
6 egg yolks, beat until thick
85 gr dark cooking chocolate
2 tablespoon chocolate powder
Homemade pineapple Jam

orange chocolate pudding with pineapple filling4I use this pumpkin mold

Mix agar powder, jelly powder, sugar, salt, milk, cook until boiling. Put about six tablespoon batter into the egg yolks, stir quickly until well blended. Then put the egg yolks batter into the pudding batter, stir well, cook on low heat until boiling.
Divide the batter into two parts. Reheat one part of the batter, add dark chocolate and chocolate powder, stir well. Cook until boiling.

orange chocolate pudding with pineapple filling3This photo shows you how to fill the pineapple jam. I put a little batter on top of the jam

Prepare the pumpkin shape mold. Fill in the orange batter into the mold until half-full, let the mixture hardened about 3 minutes, then add the chocolate batter. Put one tablespoon pineapple jam into the middle of the chocolate batter, let the pudding hardened and cool in the refrigerator. Remove from the mold, and ready to be served.
By the way, does it sounds crazy to mix chocolate pudding and pineapple jam?

Go see these amazing posts from the bloggers that have hosted this Fantabulous Fall Favorites Party:

Blog hosts fall favorites

You can also follow our Pintabulous Mom's Fall Pinterest Board HERE to see all the  posts that are linked up below plus some other great fall posts that we find!

Follow a group of fabulous mom bloggers and their fall ideas on Pinterest.
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0 #1 Tammy 2016-09-22 14:51
I have never used one of those forms before and that makes the job lots easier. I will have to give this recipe a try when orange season starts here in Florida soon.

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