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Traveling With Kids

Traveling with kid
“Traveling is so much fun!” a lot of people saying that, but is it true? Traveling can be disaster if we do not ready for it. Whether you traveling alone or with kids. To be honest, if you ever succeed traveling with kids, that mean you are a great traveler!
Kids are the most complex person! They have their own needs, but can’t express them properly. Parent must aware of these needs without being told by the kids. One thing that parent must know when traveling with kids: if your kids’ tummy is full and they are healthy, everything will be ok. So, what should be prepared?
Snack and healthy food
Pay attention about your food and snack. Traveling doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want or any instant food. You must get fresh, healthy food for your family. So that your family can stay healthy in all your traveling, until you get home. Healthy food are important to manage your family’s healthiness.
Fresh drinking water and juice, not soda or sweet drink
Avoid soda, sweet drink, and alcohol, but drink fresh water and fruit juice. Your kid may drink soda and sweet drink occasionally, but don’t to much. Drink it will affect kid’s digestive health.
Clean & dry clothes
Bring enough clothes, to avoid your kid lack of clothes and have to wear wet or dirty clothes. Wet clothes is not good to wear for a long time, your kid will feel uncomfortable and they even can get sick.
Kids can suddenly get sick! Sometimes they can’t tell you whether he feel not good, but suddenly they sick. You must prepare emergency medicine, such as paracetamol, vomiting drug, medicine for wounds, bandage, and other medicines. And if your kid do not getting better, you must go to the nearest doctor or hospital. Do not continue traveling when your kid is seriously ill, let him/her getting better.
Bring their favorite toys
For some kids (my son too!) their favourite toys are their friends. If you bring them in your traveling, your kids will feel more comfortable and happy.
Sleep well
No matter how busy is your traveling, make sleeping time for your kids, 8 hours a day. Let them sleep in the car, if your kid is young let him/her sleep at the stroller while you at the beach or at the mall. Stroller is good to bring if you traveling with younger kid.
Do not over stimulate
Traveling maybe make you excited, but avoid over stimulate your kids. Let them explore on their own way. You may have on your mind about what you want to teach to your kids at the beach or what activities that you want to do together, that’s good, but you have to consider their condition. If they seem like tire, do not push them. Over stimulations can cause fatigue, fatigue can threaten health.
Quiet time together
Sitting at the balcony, reading book together at the river side, these can be healing time for you and your kids. It will be so much fun too, because the environment are different than at your own house.
Choose the clean hotel/motel, in your budget.
Clean is most important than luxury. Do not choose cheap but not clean lodging. Dirty place will cause disease, this will distract your traveling.
Last but not least: make a list of your family traveling needs, share it with your spouse, let him check if the list not complete.
Include in your kids’ list: clothing, medicine and bandage, ID card, favourite toys, pillow, story books, some snacks, drinking water, and other specific needs.


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