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Homeschooling Is Not For People In Remote Area, If…

homeschool in remote area
Homeschooling is not fit to everyone. Especially if you are in remote area, you have to be more relax and have flexible mindset. If you are in remote area, you can’t homeschooling your kids properly if:
1. You don’t have good internet connection and computer
Homeschooling family will need to buy books or ebooks, access good learning website, interact with another homeschool family. Those activities need internet connection and computer. Of course you can homeschool in remote area without those activities, but you will not spread your kid’s wings.
2. You have “library mindset”
You won’t see library in good condition in remote area. The books torn and moldy, the building is damaged, or there is no employees.
3. You need good course as a place to learn for your kid
If you are depends your homeschooling to a course, you will not be able to homeschool in remote area. There is no good course in remote area. In my area, there are courses, but not as good as at the city, they just a small houses to learn together, and I’m not sure of the quality of its teachers.
4. You need routine activities with your local homeschool community
It is almost impossible to join local homeschool community in remote area. Otherwise, you have to drive for hours to reach the nearest town where there is local homeschool community.
5. You don’t have good reason to homeschool your kid
This is the main point! If you don’t have good reason, a bit of trouble would make you cancel your homeschool. In remote area, there are a lot of troubles if you are an ordinary people. But those troubles will removes if you can think out of the box and relax.
6. You don’t like to interact with new people
As your kid’s parent, you have to be good examples of their good habits. If you can’t interact with new people easily, your kids too, they’ll learn from you. This is a base for your kid’s social skill. Remote area is a very new place, that means you will meet new people. If you can’t interact with them, your kids will not learn about how to socialize too, that is not good for them. If this is your condition, It is better to stay where you are rather than adventure to remote area.
7. You can’t enjoy nature
Remote area have so much beautiful nature! But it is different than town park or fancy mountains where you used to go on vacation. Nature in remote area are wilder than those place, sometimes the water are not as clean as those in town, and they are everywhere! If you can’t enjoy nature, you will not succeed homeschooling in remote area. But if you can, your homeschooling will be great! There are so much things your kids will learn!
I love remote area where we live now. I love the people, nature, the river, the sky, the food, and everything here. My son learn a lot of new things, and I am so thankful that God send us here!


From the series of
31 days homeschool



0 #2 MarcellinaMaria 2015-07-19 08:16
Quoting Leanne:
You make great points. Homeschooling itself can be daunting, even more so if you don't have access to many of the resources homeschoolers enjoy.

I'm sure that those who can avail themselves of the opportunity in remote areas find that they have many opportunitites that the rest of us don't. I love where I live (which is very close to a major metro area) because of what we can access if we choose, but I do so admire those who can make it work to homeschool in more out of the way areas.

Thank you Leanne, this should be consideration for people that want to homeschool in remote area.
+1 #1 Leanne 2015-07-18 16:29
You make great points. Homeschooling itself can be daunting, even more so if you don't have access to many of the resources homeschoolers enjoy.

I'm sure that those who can avail themselves of the opportunity in remote areas find that they have many opportunitites that the rest of us don't. I love where I live (which is very close to a major metro area) because of what we can access if we choose, but I do so admire those who can make it work to homeschool in more out of the way areas.

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